William Aroldi
mail.  wlm75@libero.it
tel. 349-1417013
I.T.C.A 01033322

via Cavalieri di Vittorio Veneto,8 46010 Redondesco (MN)



In 1950 the American odontotecnico titular Arpad Nagy of the laboratory Valplast in New York and the mechanical engineer Tibo Nagy begins the search and the development of a material that allows the overcoming of the clinical limits, aesthetical and of duration of the partial prostheses with metallic structure and total prosthesis in acrylic.
In 1953 after years of search you/he/she is made available to the operators the invention of the two brothers Nagy:il Valplast, an innovative resin for the manufacture of partial and total prosthesis with revolutionary characteristics.
The Valplast and' thermoplastic nylon of the family of the superpoliammidis that offers characteristics physical-mechanics and chemical of evident advantage both for the dentist that is them partial or total for the carriers of prosthesis.
Having been the first nylon

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